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July 10, 2006 6:00 PM EDT An American Gamble: The Un-United StatesJames Lowery, Detroit, MI (G4U News)When I was a young child growing up in St. Louis during the 1950’s, we lived in what was always referred to as the “Irish neighborhood.” Sacred Heart, at the end of our street, was the “Irish Church.” Several blocks away was the German neighborhood and the German church: St. Augustine’s. East of our home was the Polish neighborhood where one of my closest chums lived: Polish Falcons and all. What fond memories I still have of the many events attended at the Polish Falcons with my family. We mingled amongst each others’ “ethnic” neighborhoods and joined in all that was good and worthwhile of each. Gamble, Bet and Won Jackpot of Freedom A Hyphenated-Society Our society today is what one can only call the “hyphenated-society.” Maybe fractured is a better word. A society upon where each ethnic immigrant group holds claims to its own national birth-origin with the emphasis placed upon where one has come from and not where one has found new freedom, new lives, new hopes and dreams. How odd that seems to me at mid-life as an American citizen. Today we hear the terms Mexican-Americans, Arab-Americans, or even African-Americans. How sad to think that a country so united has now become so un-united. Through obvious political mismanagement our leaders have chosen to ignore this tendency towards celebratory ethnicity so divisive and even worse, the violation of immigration laws and the spirit of the common person: its true citizens. Like a fog slipping in under a moonless sky, we are suddenly inundated with, well lets just call it, the hyphens. A hyphenated word is fractured; not united. If those of us who truly believe in our democracy, our country and our American society do not heed this lack of blending of oneness; it will be at our own peril. The Hyphen: Un-United The American Spirit Defies Cynicism In his waning years, Mark Twain tended toward cynicism. One of the world’s greatest humorist became a pessimist. Considering all of the hyphenated groups in our country it would be easy to become cynical; but for one major, glorious quality: the vibrant American spirit. Politicians may bend to political expediency and corporate wishes but truly it is “we the people” who ultimately govern as legal citizens. We want to be here; this is our country and we will fight for our freedoms. So many freedoms that myopic splinter groups try to suppress: the internet and its entertainment factors to gamble online; the right to practice or not practice a religion; the right for any citizen to marry. You see, we the people are way ahead of the game. Our families rolled the dice and came here giving up their past. They lived, fought in wars for freedom so that we can be united. They won the gamble and so shall we. We are all Americans; let’s ditch the hyphen and unite under one flag, one country, and one identity: gloriously American. Note: The author is a freelance writer covering topics of American Civil Rights. Copyright © 2004 - 2008 |